Speak into the void, the place of no limitation only co-creation. Let us hover over the waters of lost treasures, let our spirits align and move in togetherness over the water that hold what was, what is and what could be.
In My timeless space what seems lost is only hidden until redeemed. It is time to call forth what is hidden and step into My space of co-creation. Let us rest in the void and imagine the unimaginable and move over the waters of lost dreams and visions.
Let us partner in co-creation and breathe new life over what seems lost and call forth the manifestation of what is hidden.
Beloved, all is not lost. Only hidden!
I am the eternal, infinite and beyond time. Your dreams and visons are beyond time. Embrace the power within co-creation, embrace the gift within the void, My timeless space filled with the unimaginable.
Come away with Me, let us hover over the waters of hidden treasures, that which seemed lost but will be found. Your desires carry a frequency that attracts abundance, drawing what seems lost, from a space of long forgotten into manifestation for all to see and for all to engage.
Let us hover over the waters of hidden desires, for My desire remains above what is hidden, My desire will manifest in its fullness. Remain in My timeless truth as you choose to rest in the void and co-create into existence the manifestation of hidden treasures, for your deep longings stirs up a well of faith attracting abundance like a magnet.
The void is the endless supply of abundance, waiting for the manifestation of faith through co-creation.
Yod Hey, Vav Hey, you are one with My breath. Together we move in oneness over the waters of endless treasures and limitless possibilities, calling forth what seems lost, calling into existence the hidden.
Breathe a breath of life over hidden and long forgotten dreams. visions, and desires.
Step out in courage and let your faith move with boldness into the unseen and become the attraction of hidden abundance. Continue to move with perseverance for the time for the abundance and hidden treasures, hidden dreams, visions and desires, has come to be made manifest.
Beloved, all is not lost. Only hidden!
God conceals the revelation of his glory. But the honor of kings is revealed by how they thoroughly search out the deeper meaning of all that God says. The heart of a king is full of understanding, like the heavens are high and the ocean deep. Proverbs 25:2-3
Baie dnkie dat jy jou kosbare Godgegewe talent met ons deel. Daar wag vir jou groot beloning omdat jy jou gawe met die liggaam van Christus en ek glo ook die wat nog buite is deel. Kosbaar!. Rustige nag. Liefde.♥️