Dec 18, 2019 | Prayers, Planting Seeds
Lord, Your voice is my breath of LIFE! Where is the glory, where can it be found? Where do I run when my heart is cold, empty and dry? When darkness oppresses my light and the water has dried up… Where do I find a drink that will satisfy this deep unquenchable thirst...
Dec 12, 2019 | Planting Seeds, Prophetic Words
Beloved, Receive My peace for it’s like a diamond cutting through bone and marrow, cutting deep into the very core of your heart. Let My perfection rule over your faith, for My government is perfect and eternal, ruling with justice over all darkness. Beloved, be...
Dec 6, 2019 | Planting Seeds, Prophetic Words
Beloved, Are you missing the rain? Is your heart tired of waiting? Are you drowning in the midst of draught? Has your voice dim in the crying out for rain to come…? Beloved, do not lose focus of My promises and what My mighty hand can accomplish. When it rains...