Cherish every moment

Cherish every moment

Beloved Be deliberate in cherishing every moment. I am in each moment you experience; I embrace your heart in moments of hardship, and I rejoice over you in moments when you draw near. I celebrate your life in every moment. Though it may seem difficult in the moment,...

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Consider My Fullness

Consider My Fullness

Beloved I am in you and you are in Me. From the beginning I have gifted you with ALL of Me, flooded your life with the fullness of My breath, the fullness of My excess, My great abundance. I am ALL and in ALL In My love womb, I formed you and created you, fearfully...

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Stained by My Love Devotion

Stained by My Love Devotion

STAINED BY MY LOVE  I bought pine kitchen cupboards and decided to white wash them, the cupboards went through a staining process, which left it unrecognisable and brand new. When an item is stained it can never return to its old state of nature… There are different...

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The Power Of Fragrance

The Power Of Fragrance

Beloved, Pay no attention to the things of this world. Your eyes have grabbed hold of the world and all it has to offer. Be not deceived by it, be not romanced through it, neither let you heart be hardened by it. Take no pleasure...

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Surviving The Flames

Surviving The Flames

Sometimes when we discover we are in a fiery furnace of affliction, our temptation is to respond with fear, anxiety, anger, discouragement and a whole lot of other emotions, mainly because we experience discomfort and feel uncertain of what the outcome will be....

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The power of change in me

The power of change in me

The power of change is within ME...Why? Because I am a Game Changer…  What is a Game Changer? Google: A person or idea that transforms the accepted rules, processes and strategies. A person or thing that significantly affects the outcome of something. ~~~~~~~~~~~...

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Impartial Serving

Impartial Serving

To be impartial means to be neutral, to treat a case or people equally. Being unbiased and being able to see the whole picture. Jesus had demonstrated deep and tender love toward the disciples and was about to show them the FULL measure of His Love (Dying on the...

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Dialogue That Transforms

Dialogue That Transforms

Beloved, I have created you in power, with a DNA to be victorious at birth. When life strike your heart with many conversations, filled with fear, uncertainty and doubt. Re-set. Re-Set the tone in your voice – choose life! Choose to speak with the wisdom of Love! When...

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Adoration Transforms

Adoration Transforms

It is never God's will for us to remain in a place of dispair. God uses moments filled with anguish to move us into a position of adoration – adoration becomes the point of transformation, leading us into transition… When we transcend into a state of heartfelt...

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Unknown Paths

Unknown Paths

Have you ever been on a path, one that is totally new and unknown to you? I recently encountered conversations with some friends facing a journey totally new to them. This left an opening inside their hearts for doubt, anxiousness, and even fear to surface. Embracing...

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Word for 2020

Word for 2020

“ROARING MY PERFECT VISION IGNITES MY PERFECT PROVISION”  As I spend time with the Lord I received word in three focus areas which I felt will not only be focus areas for 2020 but the next ten years.  Father, I ask that you will align my heart with Your vision, ignite...

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Moving From Interruption to Intervention

Moving From Interruption to Intervention

Our lives are filled with daily interruptions, we cannot avoid them. We can plan our day but one have to admit, there is little control over daily interruptions. Moving from interruption to interference is a process we see throughout the bible. The bible encourages us...

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