My Love Associate

My Love Associate

Beloved, My love is impartial and associate with ALL. My love is available to all and covers all. My love separates darkness from light and overshadow errors overflowing with judgment, so that My mercy always triumph. Do not doubt the power available within My love…...
I am a Game Changer

I am a Game Changer

I am a Game Changer!  I am a new man in Christ, a chosen son and anointed king, seated in heavenly places, therefore all that is IN Christ is also in me, I am grafted in Yahweh, one in spirit therefore He naturally becomes my resource enabling me to do ALL things…...
The power of change in me

The power of change in me

The power of change is within ME…Why? Because I am a Game Changer…  What is a Game Changer? Google: A person or idea that transforms the accepted rules, processes and strategies. A person or thing that significantly affects the outcome of something. ~~~~~~~~~~~...

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