
One drop of My blood carries enough power to resurrect, to redeem and to restore. I have sacrificed ALL that I love for the sake of redemption. The frequency in My blood carries the echo for redemption. My blood cries out to all who will respond to My call.

Unless you eat and taste of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you. Whosoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life and I will raise him up. Partake of Me and abide in Me as I abide in you. As you feed on Me…Live!! You live because I live in you, you have power because the power within My blood is alive and active within you, therefore you shall live eternally.

Beloved, one drop of My blood carries enough power to restore the balance, to resonate a reformational re-set. Know that even now you have the authority to echo the blood into all circumstances, to re-set, to resurrect life and to restore balance and order in places of chaos.

Let there be! Let there be a covering of the power of the blood, for the covering is filled with life giving power, power that redeems, power that echo new life, power that re-set’s the balance, power that manifest reformation, brining hope into seemingly hopeless situations.

Beloved, know that I have done a great thing for you. You are a carrier of My blood, a carrier of My frequency, My DNA. One drop of My blood triumphs over all other power, over darkness, over evil principalities, over sickness even over death. Continue to echo the power within My blood in dry and barren areas, and be the witness of the resurrection of life, be the witness of light in darkness as our agreement within you echo and your testimony break every hold of darkness.

Beloved, embrace the benefit of the one drop!

Believe and embrace the power within one drop of My blood. The power within My blood is ready to encounter your life, My blood is ready to transform your circumstances. My piercing, My crushing was for your empowerment, to walk in power and miracles, all the days of your life. I have chosen you and I have redeemed you. My blood was poured out and My power expressed, so that you, My living expression can testify of the power you encountered.

Stepping into the frequency of My blood, is stepping into My power, perfect power, carrying perfect peace, perfect healing, perfect redemption, perfect cleansing, and perfect access.

Look at what My blood has done!

One drop of My blood carries enough power to catapult you into the new.  Embrace the new level of authority, embrace the new level of empowerment. Commune and abide, for we are one, one in heart, one in mind and one in speech. My words is yours to echo, My blood is yours to enforce. My power is within you; therefore, you have all the power you need to enforce redemption, resurrection, and access.

Miracle seeds are within you, ready to blossom and bloom, go therefore in faith Beloved, echo the power in My blood, speak life!

There is power within your words!

Beloved, you are connected to a new mandate, one filled with power to rule and reign over principalities, evil spirits and even death, your echo of life has power over death. The power of one drop of My blood within you carries enough power to resurrect life in seemingly dead situations, your echo of life carries enough power to release the manifestation for a miracle!

Embrace the power in one drop of My blood, speak life!

You are the reformation, you are the transformation, you are the power filled with the new! The empowerment for change.

Beloved, echo My blood, it’s time to release the power!


This Papa letter was birthed through a personal journey in which Papa reminded our family of the power and authority in the blood of Yahweh. As we celebrate passover, may we know we walk daily in victory in all circumstances because of the power of Yahweh’s blood within us.

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